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I'm moving Y
.Friday, April 04, 2008 ' 9:06 PM


good bye my lover.. good bye my friend.. :P

visit my new blog...



Exhausted Y
.Thursday, March 27, 2008 ' 6:57 PM

Sometimes I really don't know what to do. I'm like lost, lost in my own life..
I know what I want and should do in the future but I can't seem to figure out what I want now.. what I am doing now..
I feel lost and empty,, I'm becoming tired of everything.. I'm pushing away the person who mean/meant alot to me.. I don't know really it's like I want to start from scratch.. I don't regret anything but I know it will feel better if I can change everything right from the beginning.. Doing everything right, right from the start.

I've always said I want to be a different girl, a better one but as days pass by I seem to change in the wrong way, I'm becoming the person I don't want to be.. The more I tell myself not to be like that the more I become it, ironic isn't it. I don't even want to try changing anymore, it might just end up becoming worst.

I just wish I could start,, start right from the beginning, I want new days to come coz seriously I'm so tired of the one I have right now..

It's poitless..

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Let it snow .. let it snow Y
.Tuesday, March 18, 2008 ' 8:36 PM

Let it snow...

Finally it's spring and it snowed.. For the first time this winter it snowed alot.. whats wrong with the climate? Perhaps next year it will snow during summer. I hope not.. I'm looking forward for the warm heat.. I'm tired of wearing a coat and a scarf.. I'm tired of carrying 5 kg of clothes everyday.. I want to get tan and not dry skin because it's freezing.. I want to drink iced tea and not hot tea/ warm cocoa.. I want to lie on the beach and not on my bed with a blanket..

And also.. I want this school year to be over.. I want to have a vacation so that I really can look forward to my 3rd year ... I'm already excited even though I don't really have a reason for it yet since I still have to go through exams before I can go to the next time.. ohay ohay...

Well I need to go.. gonna watch ugly betty =)
see yah!

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Nice to be back Y
.Sunday, March 16, 2008 ' 7:09 PM

My 2 weeks of study trip in Düsseldorf Germany has been great. I'm saying great because it was better than what I have expected. At first I wasn't looking forward to it, firstly I thought talking deutsch for two weeks will be hard, secondly none of my close friends are going to Germany since most of them have french. I will be stuck with people I do not talk much with for two weeks in a country that is boring... or so I thought... After just few hours in Düsseldorf me and Dina(my housemate) went out to explore the city and suddenly we found out how friendly german people are =) and how cool their cars are.. I started loving Germany just after the first day..
And after some couple of days I started to mingle with my classmates, I didn't expect that we would be able to migle that well. It was fun.. they were fun.. It was a great experience... alot of things happened and I got to know all of them for a short period of time.. !

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You choose Y
.Sunday, February 17, 2008 ' 12:04 AM

Will you live your life now shaping a good future
or will you live the life you have now to the fullest?
What will be the best thing to do?



Change of attitude Y
.Tuesday, February 12, 2008 ' 6:48 PM

I am exhausted. I feel like I've been running for a long time and I feel very exhausted. I need to slow down. Everything is happening to fast.. I need to slow down.

Sometimes we really need to take one thing at a time coz if we dont then we end up missing alot of things. If we move to fast we wont be able to enjoy things at they should be enjoyed.

We need to slow down to really experience or feel everything that is happening.

I need to calm down or else I will just end up with.. Nothing..



"How are you?" Y
.Sunday, February 10, 2008 ' 8:36 PM

When people ask me that question I often say: fine, ok or good. I say those even if its not true, especially when the person asking is someone I'm not close to.
Like there was this classmate of mine I haven't seen for years and I saw her last week we didn't really talk that much. We just asked each other how we are doing we both said fine. But what if one of us was not fine? Would we say it? Like: "well good you're fine coz I am not..." Hmm..
Really, people say they're fine even though they're not.

So how am I doing?
Honestly I am just alright. I have winter break now so I can finally RELAX! Thank God for that!! In three weeks I will be travelling to Düsseldorf for a study trip. I am kinda excited even though we have to speak german EVERYDAY. I am going to live with a german family for two freaking weeks and of course I will need to speak deutsch! Oh my God. oh my God.. I am not good in German seriously. I understand German but I cannot speak German ehehe.. well if it is fashion or business oriented topics then I think I can manage because thats our usual topic in my german class, so my vocabulary is limited. We can also talk about Germany during the Berlin wall because we have talked about that in the class I guess I will remember some of the phrases we've used in that class, but if they are going to chitchat with me about something that normal people use to talk about then I'll be dead.. I don't even know what the german word for fridge is! tsssk..
Two weeks.. two weeks huhu. I am really going to miss my bf alot since I do not know if there is an internet where I am going. Last year I went to Dublin for five days I cried..I cried while reading my bf's txt messages. I cried while talking to him on the phone.. I started crying the moment I heard his voice.. tsssk How am I going to survive two weeks .. and when I get home he is going to his family in the province for hollyweek so I wont be seing him in 3 weeks or more.

Oh well. I will survive!!

I hope...



Name: Jasmin
Age: 18
School: Copenhagen Business College - IBB student

Love <3
Topical fruits



you wouldn't want life to be s m o o t h
its the BUMPS that make it interesting

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